Change happened for me over a broken heart not an open mind up until now......
I recently blogged about wanting to make a career change and putting it in writing seemed to make it more real but still I was too focused on this new job and miserable to actually do anything about it.
Meanwhile I find I am frustrated and unhappy therefore something needs to change. This past weekend I started laying the ground work for an exit plan to leave this business and start a new one. This change has been caused by an open mind - I refuse to continue doing what I dislike for much longer. Why should I? What am I afraid of. Failure? If I don't try I have failed so this weekend I started to put a detailed plan in place.
Step one of my plan is going to happen on Saturday July 21st I am getting Certified in my favorite exercise class DSKO. You know my happy hour which is hip hop dancing, kicking boxing and boot camp all rolled into one. Its done in the dark and it feels like going to the club without the alcohol.
Step two is getting my certificate to be a health and wellness coach. I registered for class and even started my classes over the weekend. I named my future business and secured a domain name - The business is going to be called Improved You Coaching. I have a vision and I am so excited about the whole thing.
Right now I am mentally preparing to throw my heart and soul into this because I want a different life. I want to be in control of my own destiny and although I can't simply quit my day job right now I plan on doing that in the future.
Cheers to a future DSKO instructor and future Health and Wellness Coach.
I Can and I Will ..... Watch Me!