I hit my first long term goal today and surpassed it by a little bit. I wanted to be 159.00 and today I was 157.2.
That is a 70 lb loss!
In celebration of this I went to the store and tried on a new pair of Size 8 Levi Jeans and they fit! I had to treat myself and purchase them. I am wondering if i see size 6 in my future now. It was just last year on April 12, 2017 that I was posting my 37.6 lb loss and now I am at 70! I see a big difference and on those days I am discourage I need to remember where I started!
I have so many great tools and there is no one way to accomplish your goals.
There is no magic pill and it's work. I have a completely new found respect for those people have have amazing bodies. They work for it every day. If it were easy everyone would do it and look fantastic right?
My recipe for success has been a work in progress for a super long time. I have done this before but never truly had accepted that this is the rest of my life. I know this is the very last time I am doing this just like I know I will never smoke another cigarette. This is the rest of my life eating 6 small meals a day and getting exercise in.
It really is that simply eat less move more. Today I get at least 10k steps in and see the personal trainer 2x a week. Now my 10,000 steps generally consists of Zumba or treadmill walking. Recently I have transitioned from just walking at a moderate pace to keeping my heart rate in the cardio zone.
Spark people has been such an important tool for me. I upgraded to Spark Coach early on and it is my favorite few minutes of my day. I love the exercises I do daily and it keeps me engaged and focused. When I have strayed it's the friendships I have developed that checked in on me and for that I am so thankful. I may not have been engaged but they gave me gentle reminders by reaching out. Thank you Spark friends.
May each of you reach your goals!
I Can and I Will....Watch Me