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With JESUS .... i can (More HIM less me)

Here I am once again, starting over.  Each and every single time I think I have this figured out something has deterred me.  What I will say is I spent countless hours doing all the things I know to work yet each and every time I have faltered.

I have a strong testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ.  I didn’t believe in Jesus.  I believed in God and thought Jesus Christ was a prophet.  I had no religious upbringing to speak of.  I had all kinds of beliefs about the bible without ever even reading it.


I haven’t been able to do this on my own and I am being called to Testify to my radical experience how Jesus Christ saved me.  I guess I was so hard headed the Lord needed to show me the hard way.  I thank HIM daily for not forsaking me. 

The world had conditioned me to depend on myself.  I was taught varies tools to tackle healthy living.  What is healthy living?  Every moment it’s eat this eat that.  Is healthy living a number on the scale?  Is healthy living a look that society tells you.  For me I have started this journey over and over to try to achieve someone elses view of what healthy and beauty should look like. 

Truly now all I care about is telling someone today about Jesus and that Salvation is at hand.


I was born again on June 11, 2023.   I have spent every single day seeking a relationship with HIM since and trying to learn and understand HIS Ways.   My purpose here is simply at the end of this time on Earth to hear the words “Well Done my Good and faithful servant”.    

I have neglected monitoring every single thing I put in my mouth and exercising in the past often close to two hours a day.  The amount of time I put into this became an idol and unhealthy for me. 

The Lord had a friend reach out to me recently about returning to her own pursuit of health.  Super proud of her. I also started seeing some posts about the site I participated in by it’s former owner about an activity challenge. 

I am giving it over to the Lord Jesus Christ who will never let me down.  

I am watching HIM do miracles in my life and those around me.  I surrender this journey to live healthy over to HIM as I start again.


This site that I previously called I Will Watch Me has been renamed for HIS Glory not mine.

With Jesus …. i can (more HIM less me)

Official site name change to follow

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