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More Faith Than a Mustard Seed


Matthew – 17:20 NIV

"Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you".

Today I just finished my walk and wow the past two days have been really hard.  I am using new shoes I won in a contest a few years back.  They are not broken in yet.  My feet are killing me and it’s not the shoes, it’s all this weight I am lugging around. 

I was about 2,000 steps into my normal 6,000 step walk and I honest thought about turning around.  It really did seem impossible today.  The first days and steps are the absolute hardest.


I stopped and actually prayed to God that he would get me through this walk.  I thanked HIM for the ability and blessing that I am able to make this walk as well.  It’s been a long time since I can recall it being this challenging.  Usually I just make up my mind and boom I power through it. 

One of the things Jesus changed in my life immediately was I can’t listen to music anymore.  I know many will think this is absurd but it’s the absolute truth.  Specifically, the type of music that I used to listen to.  When I hear music now I hear the enemy whispering in my ear.  I used to enjoy songs that actually gave glory to the enemy with out really knowing.  I reason I didn’t know is simple:  I didn’t believe in a Devil. 

Last year shortly after I was saved I was taking walks listening to the bible until I just stopped walking. 

I have found Christian music to be an acquired taste.  I am beginning to find replacement music that is faith based that I find motivational enough to get me going.  So many of these songs I find myself crying when listening to.

Today I give HIM all the glory and thank HIM for helping me move a mountain today!

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