I have been saying it and saying it but just haven't executed. Started with snacking at night.... then not measuring my food ..... not stepping on the scale...... giving myself permission for this meal and that meal...... not logging in every day here.....
Completely OUT OF CONTROL.
Yep I stepped on the scale today and I am disgusted to say the least. Granted I am stepping on the scale after a HUGE Christmas dinner that previously is known to show an extra 4 or 5 lbs the day after but honestly enough is enough now.
It's back to basics. I just reworked my goals because guess what? I never did hit my goal I was just 3 lbs shy of it and what did I do? Took a step backwards.
I let life get to me, my job and personal problems with my family and I neglected myself. I was self soothing with food some but the majority of this happened truly since December 2nd and how quickly 10lbs shows itself.
I promised myself this time would be different and guess what it is. I am stopping it before it takes over and 10 lbs becomes 20 lbs.
I am going to hit my goal and I am going to maintain it. I faltered and now I am getting back up.
Looking forward to hitting my goal in 2018 and making it happen!
I Can and I Will....Watch Me!